Positive Ways to Focus on Health!

aromatherapy self-care Dec 03, 2020


I don't know about you, but when I'm extremely stressed, busy, or sick - I am rarely in the frame of mind to recall and use my skills and tools for self-care and regaining my health. Maybe it's the brain fog from a stuffy head or lack of sleep!
But remembering what you could do and having the energy to do it is a challenge even when we feel well! Self care truly is a skill that needs regular practice to cultivate as a natural habit.
These days we are inundated with heavy, triggering, and disheartening information - have you heard of the new term added to Meriam-Webster called doom scrolling? (You might want to look it up...) and its impact on emotions and mental health is astonishing. All this and more keeps our attention on the problem and our nervous systems in high gear also known as fight or flight.

So Let's Talk About Building Resilience, Self-Care, and Finding Time for Joy!

There is a universal principle that applies here: "energy flows where our...

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Helpful Tips for Stress Reduction

self-care Apr 02, 2020

Hello Everyone,
In these difficult and ever-changing times, we are grateful to be open and able to serve in our own unique way. 

We are ready to support you with your questions and concerns that may arise in these unusual circumstances.

Below you will find self-care tips for helping to cope with the additional stressors during these unprecedented times of change.

Taking a moment thru out the day, to breathe, connect with nature directly or via essential oils inhaled into your respiratory system relaxes your nervous system, and creates stress-reducing hormones. Immediately!

Now, More than Ever, We Need to
Practice Self Care & Stress Reduction

Self-care, protection, and stress management are our new priorities as we navigate our world today. It just so happens, this has been my wheelhouse for a very long time!

Healthcare professionals trust my products to help patients and residents in hospitals and long term care facilities across the U.S.
These products are also safe and...

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Proactive Vs. Reactive

self-care Oct 23, 2019

Hello Aroma Friends!

Let's talk about self-care in action.

When I first opened my new studio in 2012, we named it the Well Being + Wisdom Studio.

It had become clear that my clientele wanted to know how to care for themselves on a daily basis. A one-hour session of shiatsu, energy work and essential oil therapies can only do so much. They wanted well-being to be their operating system.

This is why I always sent self-care instructions home with them. I wanted to help them become proactive about their well-being. Rather than reactive, from being totally stressed, neglecting their own needs, and hoping an hour on the table, would sort out their concerns.

To me, wisdom means paying attention to your spirit, and practicing what you know. Wisdom is when your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with your spirit. Additionally, taking note of what is & isn't working.

I've said for so long - "If I practiced just 10% more of the wisdom I know, about wellbeing - oils, our...

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